Tom Rapsas
Wake Up Call:
Daily insights for the spiritually curious
Wake Up Call: Daily Insights for the Spiritually Curious is a collection of short, thought-provoking reflections on spirituality, mindfulness, and personal growth. It's designed to be a daily companion, offering you insights and inspiration, and a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
Available in print at Amazon and B&N and on Kindle.
Published 2024. Part 2 coming early-2026.

“A jolt for the soul, a thunderbolt of profound insight.”
Karen Brailsford, author of Sacred Landscapes of the Soul
“Whatever path you’re on, whatever your soul yearns for, you’re sure to find spiritual sustenance in this banquet of offerings.”
Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda and Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
“For the spiritually curious, a contemplative joy. A wonderful read!”
Dana Drake, author of The Benevolent Universe: The Story of Your Unique Genius
Events & Media Appearances
March, 2025. Spiritual Happy Hour. Date & Time tba.
Join me with your favorite beverage for a free online event where I'll be discussing some key themes from Wake Up Call and answering questions..
2024. Your Superior Self podcast.
Conversation with Trey Downes that covers many spirituality topics, including the question: "Divine Encounter or Time Travel?" Watch here.
2024. On The Pulse podcast.
International business star Patricia Falco Beccalli and I discuss how to stay true to your spiritual self while working a 9-5 gig. Listen here.
2024. Wellness Prescription podcast.
Live from Ontario, Canada. How to make spirituality part of your everyday life, with Doctor Claudia Machiella. Listen here.
2024. Coca-Cola Compassion Lab podcast.
Host Kathy Twells and I discuss the intersection of work and spirituality
and how the two can peacefully coexist. Listen here.
Hear from the author
My name is Tom Rapsas
I’m what you might call a “regular guy.” For virtually all my adult life, I’ve worked a
9-to-5 job in an office. Yet, like many of you, I've had a life-long interest in all things spiritual. Wondering if there might be more to life than the daily cycle of work-home-sleep-repeat, I began reading voraciously–everything from books on philosophy, Buddhism, and the Jesus teachings I grew up on, to the latest spirituality bestsellers, self-help columns, and human-interest stories in my local newspaper. I encapsulate what I’ve learned in my weekly Wake Up Call columns and feature the very best of these stories in Wake Up Call, the book.

Wake Up Call:
Why I wrote it.
What you’ll get out of it.
Do you consider yourself spiritual but not religious? Are you looking to enhance your spiritual growth? Decades of self-guided study have shown me that there’s no single path to becoming a more spiritual person. There are many.
The key is finding the spiritual philosophies and practices that are meaningful to you. I wrote Wake Up Call: Daily Insights for the Spiritually Curious to share with you what I’ve learned—and to help light a spark that can lead you to greater purpose, contentment and joy. I hope the book inspires you on your spiritual quest, wherever it may lead.
My Column
Since 2012, I’ve written the Wake Up Call column at the faith site Patheos, penning over 500 stories. I’m the most popular columnist on the website’s New Visions channel (formerly the Spirituality channel) and draw thousands of readers each week. One person called it “a spiritual Reader’s Digest.”